Grade 4 Class


GREGG International School fourth grade G/4 program builds on the skills and knowledge children have learned in preceding years. It not only encourages critical thinking but also fosters creativity and respect for self and others. The manner of instruction is determined by each teacher, as s/he works to meet each and every student’s individual needs.



Parents and teachers recognize that many challenges are faced when studying mathematics. Proven techniques that enable the students to compute number operations correctly, while, at the same time, help them to understand the underlying concepts, are invaluable. For mathematics education to be meaningful to young students, data sets or tangible quantitative problems should have some relevance to their lives. Their motivation for finding correct solutions is then enhanced.

Practical acquired skills include identifying place values from hundred thousands to hundredths; estimating solutions to problems using addition, subtraction and multiplication; and correctly using mathematical symbols. Identifying, comparing, and analyzing two- and three-dimensional shapes through hands-on activities provide a valuable insight into geometrical principles.

Measurement is another useful mathematical tool in which finding the correct units to describe physical properties of objects can be a stimulating experience for young learners. The students collect primary data through observation and experiments, then analyze and graph the data, providing activities to underscore the practical benefits of mathematics.

Developing reading comprehension skills is a key goal. With the abundant variety and volume of reading materials available today, reading skills that decipher the meanings of many different kinds of texts and passages are essential. Learning and applying strategies and techniques provide the means to enhance reading comprehension, whether for a school assignment or just for pleasure.

A wide range of literary genres, as well as other written forms such as advertising and interactive media, is involved. Students’ ideas in selecting texts or passages are included to elicit deeper interest in reading. Classroom interaction and discussions help establish a firm basis for inquiry, thus enabling the students to probe into the meaning of what was read and assess its significance.

One of the most important acquired skills is the ability to write using clear, coherent and correct language. A good writing ability allows students to prosper in the later years of education, not to mention open up career choices. Fine writing skills are promoted by teaching how to write in a wide variety of styles, as well as across the curriculum.

All aspects of writing, from from note taking and outlining, to revising and producing a final copy are covered. In addition, a journal is kept to record experiences, thoughts and feelings on various topics. Good writing habits reinforce good writing skills. In turn, improved writing skills instill confidence in the ability to communicate.

One of the most important tools acquired in education is the ability to write well.

A genuine understanding of science is gained through direct experience and careful observation of phenomena. In conjunction with learning basic concepts of the life, earth, space and physical sciences, a wide range of observations and experiments are conducted to elucidate the scientific principles being studied.

When studying the seasons, students keep a record of sunrises and sunsets, and the position of the sun in the sky, over several weeks before and after an equinox. Another assignment involves students observing changes in plant and animal life of a particular habitat, during different times of the year. Inquiry is encouraged into why some plants and animals appear at certain stretches annually, while other plants and animals can be observed year round.

The essential insight of the discipline is recognition that human beings are social creatures who interact with each other, in particular places, at certain times. This simple truth lays the foundation for history, geography, sociology and other related fields. Focus is placed on developing an aptitude for critical thinking, as well as practical skills.

One of the projects involves studying family histories, which can be a valuable learning experience. History, geography and society are subjects directly related to the students’ own lives, thus demonstrating the relevancy of skills applied in these disciplines.

Conceiving and creating works that express the students’ own aesthetic temperaments is one of the most rewarding experiences. Although children may have only a moderate talent in the fine arts or performing arts, these subjects present an opportunity to develop a set of skills not utilized in reading, writing or arithmetic. Each year, the students actively engage in a number of dramatic presentations, musical recitals and fine arts exhibits.

Many find that expressing themselves aesthetically allows for communicating thoughts and feelings more freely than through words or numbers. Each child has ample opportunity to learn about art, drama and music, and find personal satisfaction in them.

As children’s bodies grow bigger and stronger, exercises and physical activities are required to challenge and enhance fine- and gross-motor skills. Appropriate exercise activities and sports are conducted, bearing in mind, at the same time, how children at the same age may develop at different paces. In addition to the physical benefits that sports and exercise provide, valuable experiences contributing to social and personal development are gained.

Computer technology and its myriad applications are indispensable. Instruction and computer time is provided that is relevant to the students’ educational level. A trans-disciplinary approach to learning helps reinforce verbal, visual and numerical skills as computer competency is honed.


Use math to enhance students understanding of the world.


Learn critical thinking and language skills.


Participation in simple experiments and activities.


Music and Phonics are essential to your child development.


Participation in simple experiments and activities.


Music and Phonics are essential to your child development.


A world of learners where children gain a passport to the world


Steps done with heart, soul, mind & strength




Daycare Service

GiS can provide, upon request, daycare to your children up to 6.00 pm.


GiS Lunch Box

Upon request, a weekly lunch box is available for all GiS students.


GiS Bus

A Shuttle Bus service is also offered by GiS, please contact us for more information.



  • 8:45 : Greeting
  • 9:00-9:40 : Language Arts
  • 9:40-10:20 : Math
  • 10:20-10:40 : Snack Time
  • 10:40-11:20 : Science
  • 11:20-12:00 : Social Studies
  • 12:00-13:00 : Lunch Time / Recess
  • 13:00-13:40 : Japanese / Music
  • 13:40-14:20 : PE
  • 14:00-14:30 : Class reading / Discussion
  • 14:20-15:00 : Math Challenge / Reading Trophy
Hands on experience


We provide the perfect education for your child every day