G5 Perfect Tenses – G6 Algebra

“A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn into a glorious success.” Elbert Hubbard

With middle school around the corner, the fifth and sixth graders are hard at work!
After about two weeks of intense work, the fifth graders are showing a good understanding of what is probably the most difficult verb tense of the English language, the present perfect. Learning how it is formed was achieved easily as the students were recently quizzed on the 120 most common irregular verbs; however, because it can be used in several different ways, understanding when to use it has proven a little challenging. They still have room for improvement, but their progress is encouraging.

The sixth graders were recently introduced to algebra concepts, and so far, everything has been going smoothly. Although translating real world situations into expressions involving variables is not always easy, they are getting better at it, and they are already very good at evaluating expressions given to them.